Greater stitchwort has a small, white star like flower, growing in hedgerows, roadside verges or the woodland edge. It does prefer partial shade and cool roots, slightly damp if possible. The delicate flowers are very pretty alongside red campion, sweet cicely and bluebells. The flowering time lasts from March through to June or even July. In late spring, when the seed capsules ripen, they can be heard ‘popping’ as they are dispersed.
Wildlife attracted:
The flowers of Greater stitchwort are a nectar source for butterflies. It is also a food plant of some moth species too.
Other features:
Traditionally Greater stitchwort has medicinal properties, in particular to treat a ‘stitch’ in the side. The green shoots are edible and can be chopped into salads, or briefly cooked. In addition, the flowers look great added to a salad.
Available to buy online or from The Blooming Wild Plant Nursery
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