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Hedge bedstraw


Hedge bedstraw is a perennial found in grassland, woodland edge or as the name suggests scrambling through hedges. Although native to the UK, it is not generally found in North West Scotland or Ireland. It looks great when planted with other wildflowers, as the white flowers ramble through the foliage. It does prefer a soil that is well drained and calcareous, and prefers some shade rather than full sun. Although now named as Galium album, it used to have the botanical name of  Galium mollugo.

Galium album
Sun or part shade
Height : 1.5m
Flowering period : June – September
This is a good source of nectar :


Hedge bedstraw is a perennial found in grassland, woodland edge or as the name suggests scrambling through hedges. Although native to the UK, it is not generally found in North West Scotland or Ireland. It looks great when planted with other wildflowers, as the white flowers ramble through the foliage. It does prefer a soil that is well drained and calcareous, and prefers some shade rather than full sun. Although now named as Galium album, it used to have the botanical name of  Galium mollugo.

Wildlife attracted:
Bees, butterflies and ladybirds are attracted to the sweet scent of Hedge bedstraw.
Other features:
The young leaves are edible and can be used raw or cooked.

Available to buy online or from The Blooming Wild Plant Nursery, Somerset

Additional information


9cm pot, 1lt pot