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Fox and Cubs


Fox and Cubs is also called Orange hawkbit . One of very few bright oranges in our native flora, the flowers are held on tall stems and look amazing when mixed with other wildflowers. This one is vigorous and will spread fast by runners if in good soil.  It is great in grassland where the competition from the grass keeps it in check.

Pilosella aurantica syn Hieracium aurantiacum
Sun or part shade
Height : 30cm
Flowering period : June – August
This is a good source of nectar : 

SKU: N/A Category:


Fox and Cubs is also called Orange hawkbit . One of very few bright oranges in our native flora, the flowers are held on tall stems and look amazing when mixed with other wildflowers. This one is vigorous and will spread fast by runners if in good soil.  It is great in grassland where the competition from the grass keeps it in check.
It can spread too quickly for some, as the seeds are windblown in addition to it spreading by underground runners. Therefore it is ideal in a pot where it will still attract pollinators but is more easily controlled!

Wildlife attracted:
Many bees, butterflies and other insects love the bright orange, of Fox and Cubs. This is unusual in a wildflower.
Other features:
This was introduced around the 17th century from central Europe and has therefore naturalised. However it is not strictly a UK native!

Available to buy online or from The Blooming Wild Plant Nursery, Somerset


Additional information


9cm pot, 1.5lt pot, 1lt pot